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100 Ridge Road Lackawanna, NY 14218
+1 716-826-3050

For hassle-free ordering convenience,
apply for a Brunner Enterprises™ Inc. account.

Please complete the form, print, sign and return via fax (716) 826-3054 or email to:

Do not forget the fax numbers for your trade references.

Credit applications normally take 5–7 business days; for immediate shipping, we accept MasterCard, Visa, or Discover.

Brunner Enterprises™ Inc. CREDIT TERMS:

  • All invoices are to be paid net 30 days from the date of the invoice. All past due invoices will be subject to a 1.5% per month charge and may be grounds for refusal of future credit.
  • All waivers executed by Brunner Enterprises™ Inc. shall be effective only to the total dollar amount of payments actually received. Customer agrees that Brunner Enterprises™ Inc. retains its mechanic lien, payment bond or other legal rights for unpaid invoices, regardless of what other documents have been presented to Brunner Enterprises™ Inc. for signature that may imply otherwise.
  • Claims arising from invoices must be made within seven business days.
  • Any and all disputes will be governed by the laws of the State of New York.
  • By submitting this application, you authorize Brunner Enterprises™ Inc. to make inquiries into the banking and business/trade references that you have supplied and all information furnished on this credit application is accurate.
  • No other additional terms and conditions will apply.
  • Brunner Enterprises™ Inc. shall not, in any event, be responsible for any liability arising from delay in supplying material.